
Kony 2012

This article is about the Ugandan guerrilla group leader. Joseph Kony (born c. 1961), head of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). While initially enjoying strong public support, the LRA turned brutally on its own supporters, supposedly to "purify" the Acholi people and turn Uganda into a theocracy ruled by Kony's self-styled version of the Ten Commandments. The LRA is a militant group with a syncretic pseudo-Christian extreme religious ideology, known for the atrocities they commit against civilians, including murder, mutilations, rape, and in some accounts even cannibalism.

Directed by Kony, the LRA has earned a reputation for its actions against the people of several countries, including northern Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, South Sudan, and Sudan. It has abducted and forced an estimated 66,000 children to fight for them, and has forced the internal displacement of over 2 million people since its rebellion began in 1986. In 2005 Kony was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, but has evaded capture.

約瑟夫·科尼(Joseph Kony)是烏干達游擊隊首領,聖主抵抗軍(LRA)的領導者。他欲建立一個基於十誡和阿喬利傳統的政教合一政府。但該組織被指嚴重侵犯人權,包括涉及致殘、施虐、強姦、綁架平民、使用童兵和屠殺等。在科尼的帶領下,聖主抵抗軍在烏干達北部、剛果(金)、蘇丹、南蘇丹擁有群眾基礎。自1986年叛亂以來,綁架和強迫了約66000名兒童加入戰爭,迫使國內超過200萬人流離失所。因此,科尼在2005年以戰爭罪和反人類罪等33項指控被海牙國際法庭起訴,但至今在逃。

初期,科尼的組織命名為「聯合聖靈救世軍」(United Holy Salvation Army)。隨後,科尼開始綁架平民兒童加入戰爭,男孩被迫成為軍人,女孩則淪為軍妓和性奴。科尼經常在綁架他們後殺掉他們的家人和鄰居。 據統計,自1986年以來,被科尼強行徵募的兒童約為66000人。1992年,該組織更名為聖主抵抗軍。科尼更神話個人形象,煽動仇恨。多年來,該組織頻繁襲擊平民,造成至少數萬人喪生,200萬人無家可歸。

