Freaks A-Z. Letter "L"
Size: 210mm x 297mm
Material:Charcoal pen
Traditionally, Lucifer is a name that in English generally refers to the Devil or Satan before being cast from Heaven, although this is not the original meaning of the term. In Latin, from which the English word is derived, Lucifer (as a noun) means "light-bearer" (from the words lucem ferre). It was the name given to the dawn appearance of the planet Venus, which heralds daylight. For this meaning, English generally uses the names "Morning Star" or "Day Star", and rarely "Lucifer".
Use of the name "Lucifer" for the Devil stems from applying to the Devil what Isaiah 14:3–20 says of a king of Babylon whom it calls Helel, a Hebrew word that refers to the Day Star or Morning Star (the Latin term for which is lucifer In 2 Peter 1:19 and elsewhere, the same Latin word lucifer is used to refer to the Morning Star, with no relation to the Devil. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus himself is called the Morning Star, but not "Lucifer", even in Latin.
傳統意義上,路西法是《聖經》中的一個名詞,出現於《以賽亞書》第14章第12節。通常指被逐出天堂前的惡魔或者撒但,但這並不是路西法這個詞的原意。路西法這個詞衍生自拉丁語,由lux(光,所有格 lucis)和ferre(帶來)所組成,意思是「光之使者」,指黎明時出現的金星,預示著白晝的來臨。通常使用「晨星」或「啟明星」來表述這層原意,而不使用路西法這個詞。