26個英文字母、26位怪物的名字、26次視覺的衝擊。古早神秘學書籍所羅門王之鑰風格,結合藝術設計概念,全新打造。網羅神秘都市傳說,經典電影怪物,宗教惡魔。在 Mister Kai 將近半年多的精雕細琢下,結合了字體結構與精細素描,創造出以往未見的怪物字典。
本人將於2012年日本Vol.36 Design Festa 藝術展覽將會有一系列手繪原稿展出!敬請期待後續相關內容。
怪物字母繪本 : 新台幣666元乙本
怪物字母海報 : 新台幣200元乙張
Vol.36 Design Festa 活動現場
怪物字母繪本 : 日幣2000 Yen乙本
怪物字母海報 : 日幣500 Yen乙張
凡購買怪物字母繪本即贈送Mister Kai 貼紙乙張,即日起至2012/10/20購買者,一本新臺幣500元整。購買方式:可直接找作者購買,或透過FB訊息尋問相關資訊.網路賣場:
The Freaks A-Z Series
26 letters of the alphabet + the 26 Freaks' name = 26 times visual deformation impact.Combine with the style of the mystery literature "key of King Solomon" and the mordern art design. Reserch for the mysterious urban legends, classic movie monsters & religious demons. Mister Kai spend prnearly 6 months to presents you the "Freaks A-Z" sketch collection.There will be a series of hand-painted originals on display in 2012 Vol.36 Tokyo Design Festa Art Exhibition.Please look for follow-up related content in this Fanpage.
The information of the Product
The Book : NTD 666 Dollars
The Poster: NTD 200 Dollars
Free Mister Kai Sticker For each book, from now on to 2012/10/20, NTD 500 dollars for each book.