Freaks A-Z. Letter "V"
Size: 210mm x 297mm
Material:Charcoal pen
Vampires are mythological beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living being.The typical vampire have the long and sharp teeth, white skin, red eyes. Vampire's recover ability is too strong that weapons are difficult to make vampire fatal, only the sun can kill it. Some said that vampires fear the cross and garlic, because they have much higher than the normal sense of smell, another said that the vampire ancestor once trade their soul to Satan transactions to become a vampire, and therefore fear the cross.
吸血鬼是傳說中永生不死的生物。一般認為吸血鬼是由人類被吸血鬼咬了就會變成吸血鬼;另一說法是喝下吸血鬼的血才能變成吸血鬼,也有說法是靈魂受到詛咒的人類變成了吸血鬼。 吸血鬼的典型特徵為:牙齒尖長,皮膚白皙,眼睛發紅。由於吸血鬼的恢復能力極強,一般武器很難使吸血鬼致命,只有陽光能夠殺死吸血鬼。也有說法認爲吸血鬼懼怕十字架和大蒜。由於吸血鬼擁有遠高於常人的嗅覺,大蒜的刺激性氣味令吸血鬼感到強烈不適。另有一說認為吸血鬼始祖曾以靈魂與撒但交易成為吸血鬼,故此懼怕十字架。