The Movement Size: 1563cm x 2253 cm Skills: Pencil sketch 先隨意取景日常用品拍照,在將洗出來的照片剪取想要的細部單元,重新拼貼結構成附有韻律感的構圖畫面,並以此稿件繪製九張半開大小的巨幅素描,試圖以巨大的畫面壓迫感直接讓觀賞者的視覺可以與畫面的構圖產生視覺的"流動感" I cut out the element that I want from the photo I took, then rebuild the photo into a rhythmical image, and I use this image to drew a giant size sketch with a pencil. I just want to use a giant image to oppress the people's sight, try to make them drop into the big movement of the image that I created. |